This weekend will be filled with students commuting somewhere for spring break. Campus will be quiet for a while, but I bet you can find students using all means of transportation to get to their final destination.
Maybe you are one of the lucky going somewhere warm for break. Laying on the beach or and relaxing sounds great, but I hope you booked a larger airplane then this one.

Maybe you are a student participating in an alternative break. Building houses and helping people sounds like a great way to spend your time. How are you commuting, maybe a train like this one?
Or maybe you are a student like me, heading home to unwind from a long week of finals and papers. You might live far away and be taking a plane or a train like the ones pictured, but I will be taking a bus to good 'ol Kenosha.

Whatever your plans are I hope your transportation goes smoothy and you have a relaxing break.
See all of you back on campus soon.
The factor of the building is really an amazing one and about the helping people sounds like a great way to spend your time,also the pictures gives a great and brilliant view,tells the main thing about it,so the University is good and doing some remarkable jobs which is good for the students and for their information.